2RD-600 Máquina peletizadora de semillas

2RD-600 Máquina peletizadora de semillas


Seed pellet machine introduction 

1. Adopting Siemens control system, it has good logic, more precise control, long service life, and has a recipe memory function, making it easy and fast to operate.

2. The first layered liquid atomization disk, which makes the atomization more uniform.

3. Use the industry’s advanced ultra-low temperature drying technology to maximize the activity of pellet seeds.

4. Processing accuracy: 0.1~0.15 MM, small gap, no powder leakage, and avoid chuck.

5. Using a medical peristaltic pump, the control can be accurate at the milliliter level, and combined with a precise powder feeding device, the success rate of pellets is higher.

It also called seed pelleting machine , seed coater , seed coating machine ,seed coated machine ,seed processing machine.

Parámetros de la granuladora de semillas

Seed pellet production line (2RD-600)
Configuración600 pellet machine, industrial pulse dust collector, automatic feeding machine, Siemens control cabinet
Alimentación380 V
Tamaño de las especificaciones2.2*2.9*1.9 (m)
Potencia del husillo5.5 kw
Tasa de siembra única99% y superior
Eficacia del trabajoSingle pill 1-6 kg, single pill time 20-35 min

Ámbito de las semillas:hortalizas y muchas hierbas diferentes y semillas de flores.

tomate/ guindilla/ bringal/ berenjena/ berenjena/ pimentón

lechuga/ apio/ zanahoria/ achicoria/ amarath

brécol/col/papaya/okra/haba larga

remolacha/ rábano/ mostaza/ nabo


semillas y flores :semillas de hierba/rosa/caléndula / plantago/plátano / alfalfa/rayegrass